Charles Dunlap (he/him/his) is a fully Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate (LPCC, NCC, MA) and professionally-published psychology scholar, initially obtaining his bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Colorado (CU), and then going on to receive his Masters Degree in counseling from Regis University in Denver, Colorado, in addition to earning a previous Masters Degree in Communication from Saint Louis University (SLU).
Since embarking on this path, Charlie has passionately engaged himself with a wide range of individuals at all levels of treatment, dealing with a complex array of intersecting issues, most recently among young adults at the Eating Recovery Center (ERC), the Red Rock Recovery Center (RRRC), and Aurora Mental Health and Recovery (AMHR). As someone who has experienced several different careers and grew up in many states both in and outside of the country, Charlie brings diversely unique life experience to his role, while gratefully embracing what represents his true calling in life, within his ever-expanding role as a counseling therapist.
As a passionately devoted, life-long disciple of the field who is always seeking to expand his knowledge, perspectives and proficiency within diverse therapeutic modalities, Charlie has embraced what to him represents an inclusively joyous, deep and sacred service to others. Charlie is a heart-centeredly gentle, compassionate, humanistically person-centered and incisively enthusiastic proponent of multidimensional, experiential and holistic approaches to treatment, which both critically and imaginatively integrate mindfulness/MBCT, CBT/CBT-I, IFS, ACT, Existentialism, DBT, Jungian dream analysis, Narrative and transpersonal theories or modalities. In order to achieve balance and/or restoration of one’s mental, emotional, physical and/or spiritual energy bodies, Charlie delights in merging ancient wisdom with our best evidence-based, contemporary scientific and psychology- based research, always passionately guiding his clients’ relevant growth towards accessing and achieving greater levels, perspectives or identities of Self and Self-led energy.
In striving to help others manifest the gifts of his own ever-evolving disciplines and journeys, Charlie lives for integrating, developing and anchoring all of his often profoundly transcendent spiritual and/or metaphysical interests and discoveries into living, felt, grounded experiences and insight, whether that experience consists of grief and loss, higher spiritual/Existential concerns, complex trauma or general intra/interpersonal growth and communication.
An old cosmic soul, Charlie doesn’t believe in judging others or helping anyone to change or improve themselves, as everything is already going perfectly according to your plan, and you are already perfect in your imperfection. Knowing is superior to believing, and in connecting to one’s greater Self (and everything this entails), one reunites with, re-members and knows whom one already is within the deepest levels of one’s being and way of being-in-the-world. In holistically seeking to honor and activate the highest potentials and aspects of any given individual who may seek shade under his extended family tree, Charlie strives to both embody and share the kind of transformative change that he seeks to shine along the path for others.
As part of his ongoing quest to marry the personally-experienced benefits of an ever-developing self-care, awareness and love in union with empowering client services, Charlie is creatively inspired to reach whatever altitude of consciousness his clients may find themselves within, and ultimately inspire them to soar. Charlie’s inclusive, non- judgmental spirit strives to flexibly meet his clients wherever they might find themselves in life, acknowledging that one’s wounds or symptoms of suffering are actually loving forms of vital personal communication. They call upon us to alchemize ourselves into higher relationships with the Self, as we become more consciously aware and responsible creators of our own reality (lest we tend to unconsciously build our own prisons), thus healing, repairing or reuniting with our inner wounded children, or those fragmented aspects of Self that have been lost along the way. His efforts seek to unite with and empower others who are seeking to reclaim the inherent sovereignty of remembering one’s way home; to catalyze, activate and empower our most genuine and authentic, ever-growing potential.
Outside of his professional life and interests, Charlie is a dedicated life- long learner and student of the field who enjoys reading, writing, listening to music/attending live shows, engaging movies and special art exhibitions, communing with nature, and always growing his therapeutic sensitivities through diversely holistic and experiential disciplines and activities (yoga, meditation, energy work, shamanic practices, chi gong, bio resonance and feedback, frequency toning, etc.).