I have worked in the field of psychology since 1993. I received master’s degrees in counseling psychology and sport psychology and have a doctorate in clinical psychology. I specialize in child and adult neuropsychological testing and treatment for challenges such as autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, memory function, head injury, chronic pain, cancer, post-traumatic growth and social and emotional function. I also am a practicing sport psychologist working with athletes, performers, and business organizations toward optimal performance. My services include testing, neurofeedback, biofeedback, integrative health and therapy.
Compassion and insight into our struggles can lead to powerful, positive changes in life. Through a relational and strength-based approach, I aim to empower others to take the needed steps to live a more passionate and rewarding life. Each of us has unique experiences and inner wisdom that can be fostered through a trusting therapeutic relationship.
All aspects of life play a role in health; physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. By becoming more aware of our responses to situations, re-story our interpretation of events, and breaking habits that are no longer useful, we can reach our optimal level and adapt to what life throws our way. I honor the opportunity of walking your path with you.