Therapists Accepting United Healthcare/Optum

Look through our directory below to help find therapists that accept United Healthcare Insurance and Optum in Colorado.

We’re proud to collaborate with United Healthcare in Colorado to help their members gain easier access to mental health counseling. Our network of licensed therapists is fully aligned with United Healthcare’s commercial plans, offering a seamless path to finding the right support for your needs.

There’s no requirement for referrals or prior authorization from United Healthcare to connect with one of our therapists. Simply browse through our profiles, and when you’ve found a match, use the red buttons to reach out directly or schedule an appointment at a time that works for you.

To make things easier, we handle the benefit verification process for you. You won’t need to contact United Healthcare to clarify your mental health coverage—our team will confirm your benefits and let you know what to expect in terms of session costs under your plan.

Whether you need assistance navigating the scheduling process, want guidance in selecting a therapist, or prefer to confirm your benefits and costs ahead of time, we’re here to help. Contact us anytime at or by calling 844-222-0550. We’re happy to provide the support you need.

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