anxiety signs

What Do I Need To Know About Anxiety Disorders?

According to recent statistics, anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders and can affect nearly 30% of adults at some point in their life. Anxiety disorders differ from normal anxiety and involve overwhelming fear, anxiety, or panic. The good news is that anxiety disorders are highly treatable, and several effective treatments are available. Many patients find success with therapy, counseling, or medication. Most adults suffering from anxiety disorders can lead healthy, productive lives with treatment. If you or someone you love is suffering from excessive anxiety, you’re not alone, and help is available, keep reading to learn more.

Common Anxiety Symptoms

There are several symptoms associated with anxiety disorder. Such as feeling restless or on edge. Or even being easily fatigued. Many people with anxiety disorders describe having difficulty concentrating, experiencing headaches or muscle aches, and stomach aches. They often have difficulty controlling feelings of worry, panic, or fear. They often struggle with sleep problems, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, and are often irritable.

It’s important to note that someone can exhibit these symptoms without having an anxiety disorder, which does not guarantee someone has an anxiety disorder; they are merely common symptoms associated with anxiety.

What Is The Difference Between Anxiety and Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety can affect us in many ways, both positive and negative. For example, it can give you energy and help you study for a big test or be our internal warning sign to warn of danger. But when anxiety becomes overwhelming or unmanageable, it can affect our quality of life and even influence our decision-making. So let’s identify a few normal responses to anxiety versus what an anxiety disorder response would be.

Normal anxiety is linked to a specific problem or circumstance. It usually lasts only as long as the problem or circumstance does, the amount of anxiety you experience is proportional to the problem or circumstance, and it is typically a natural response to the problem or situation.

Those who struggle with an anxiety disorder may experience anxiety seemingly out of nowhere and have trouble understanding what they are anxious about. It can often be long-lasting and might be attached to a circumstance that likely won’t happen. As a result, it might feel impossible to control, and people with anxiety disorders usually avoid situations triggering their anxiety.

How Can I Deal With Anxiety?

We all experience anxiety from time to time. Having a few practical coping skills to turn to can help you through those difficult times when they arise. Caring for yourself in times of stress is incredibly important. In a moment of tension, calming breathing exercises or grounding techniques can be very helpful.

Working with a counselor or therapist to identify your anxiety’s root causes and develop techniques to deal with them has been shown to help tremendously. Exercise can be very helpful for those who deal with anxiety issues, as well as feeding yourself a healthy diet and prioritizing getting the rest your body needs. In times of stress, it’s even more important to care for yourself properly.

What If I Need More Help?

Collective Counseling Solutions is a nationwide network of trained counselors and therapists. Our team accepts insurance and helps individuals like yourself on their health journey. We have a vast network of specialists that treat patients with anxiety disorders in both individual therapy and group therapy sessions. If you’ve been affected by anxiety or suspect you or someone you love might be struggling with anxiety issues, therapy has been proven to be a beneficial treatment. Contact us today when you’re ready to get started!

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