Therapists Accepting Kaiser Permanente
Look through our directory below to help find therapists that accept Kaiser Permanente Insurance in Colorado.
We are proud to be working with Kaiser Permanente in Colorado to expand members’ access to mental health counseling services. All of our licensed therapists in Colorado are in-network with commercial Kaiser plans, so we encourage you to explore our therapist profiles to find the right match for your needs.
No referral authorization or approval from Kaiser is required for you to seek counseling with one of our Kaiser-credentialed therapists. You can simply use the red buttons in the therapist profile to contact the therapist directly for a consultation or schedule an available appointment in their calendar with ease.
We provide benefit verification for all of our Kaiser clients, so there will be no need for you to contact Kaiser to learn about your mental health benefits. We take care of this for you as a courtesy, and your therapist will let you know what the cost for sessions will be with your specific plan.
If you would like help navigating appointment scheduling, would like to discuss specialty needs to receive therapist recommendations or would like to have your benefits verified and learn session costs prior to selecting a therapist, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email at or by telephone at 844-222-0550. We will be available promptly to assist you.
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